How do I get rid of silverfish?

Spray The Speedy Critters Dead

It’s frustrating to try to get rid of silverfish when you can barely see them scurrying across your floor. Silverfish are fast runners that often live in the damp, cool places of your home. They feed on almost anything; these scavengers will even eat wallpaper glue and book bindings. You can fight silverfish with a thorough home cleaning and the right products.

Go On a Cleaning Spree

Wipe Out These Top Silverfish Hiding Places

  • Keep kitchen floors, counters, and cupboards clean. Pay special attention to cracks where the baseboard meets the floor.
  • Wipe down bookcases, closet shelves, and door or window frames
  • Vacuum behind the oven, microwave, toaster, and refrigerator
  • De-clutter the areas where you see them
  • They are often brought indoors with cardboard packing, furniture, and construction materials so inspect these items before they come inside.
  • Try running a dehumidifier to make the area less humid, and therefore, less appealing.
Secure the Perimeter
silverfish home
Expert Tips
A Silverfish Was Here

Telltale Signs of Infestation

Silverfish are so fast, sometimes you just can’t spot them. Signs of infestation include yellow stains, especially on linens or book pages, and irregular feeding marks that look like etchings on surfaces.

Did You Know?

Silverfish can live for several months without food. That’s why it’s important to treat the area as soon as you’ve spotted one—before they take up permanent residence in your home!

Defend your Home

The Raid® Defence System uses a combination of product options and tips that work together to better battle bugs in your home. Each System is customized, so you can ATTACK and CONTROL bugs with ease.