What do ants eat?

Like us, they love food and water (species may vary)

Ants like to eat a lot of food that humans do: potato chips, bread, jelly, and sugar. They may also eat other insects. Anything you can do to remove exposed human and animal food, clean up spills, and seal or take out the trash can help mitigate your ant problem.
Call in the Clean Up Crew
spider tips

5 Ways to Remove Ants

  1. Clean up food and drink spills right away
  2. Store all food in sealed, airtight Ziploc® containers
  3. Avoid leaving dirty dishes in the sink
  4. Wipe down sticky jars of things like honey or jam before placing them in the pantry
  5. Regularly sweep and mop floors, especially in the kitchen and dining room
Did you know?

Outdoors, plant-feeding insects such as aphids produce a sticky substance that many ants eat. This substance may be found on the leaf itself, or any surfaces under it such as outdoor furniture, cars, picnic tables, the deck, or siding. Cleaning these surfaces can reduce attractiveness to ants.

Start a Drought to Keep Ants Out

Ants are as attracted to water as they are to food, so it’s important to keep surfaces in your home dry–including sinks!

Tiny Trailblazers
water bottle

When one ant finds food or water, they will lay down a chemical trail that guides other worker ants to the source—you will see trails of ants going back and forth from the food or water.

Expert Tip
Animal Food is Ant Food
pet food

Because ants will feast on animal food, it’s important to keep kibble in pet dishes only when pets are feeding on it. If that’s not realistic, try placing pet food bowls in a slightly larger bowl that has been filled with water. By doing so, you’ll create a moat that ants can’t easily cross.

Top Ant Products


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The Raid® Defence System uses a combination of product options and tips that work together to better battle bugs in your home. Each System is customized, so you can ATTACK and CONTROL bugs with ease.